Incursions like these

Last week we saved the knotweed we pulled for papermaking next month at Rittenhouse Town Papermaking Barn. (see GROVE Part 3: Incursions like these.)

GROVE seems to be surviving fairly well this year. Two of the original five oak trees are doing well. Many of the natives we planted last year are also doing well, especially the winterberry, the red-osier dogwood, the box-elder, and the ferns. Native residents jack-in-the-pulpit, pokeweed and jewelweed are thriving, as are several species of tree volunteers, including baby oaks. We have roped off the area to limit foot-traffic as the profusion of growth can hide tender plants from view. Erica Brendel and Marsha Jones (pictured on the home page...) know more than anyone else what grows there so ask them to give you an update when you see them in the woods.